by Hansi Lo Wang 2015

Welcome to the parent guide for this text! Read below to find out about what your child is reading in class and how you can support him/her at home.

This week in class, we’re reading "'Chasing Memories' In Their Refugee Camp 40 Years After Fleeing Vietnam" by Hansi Lo Wang.

Vietnamese American refugees who fled communist rule in their home country in the late 20th century reunite at a former processing center.

As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Identity and War & Peace as they relate to the text. We are trying to answer these big questions :

"How are we changed by war?" and "What makes you who you are?"

Ways to support your child:

  • Ask your child about this informational text at home:
    • What was "'Chasing Memories' In Their Refugee Camp 40 Years After Fleeing Vietnam" about?
    • What did you learn about Identity?
    • What did you learn about War & Peace?
  • Watch I Was a Boat Person: Vietnamese Refugees Look Back at home with your child.