by Giovanni Boccaccio, translated by Mark Musa and Peter Bondanella 1353

Welcome to the parent guide for this text! Read below to find out about what your child is reading in class and how you can support him/her at home.

This week in class, we’re reading "Federigo's Falcon" by Giovanni Boccaccio, translated by Mark Musa and Peter Bondanella.

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) was an Italian writer, poet, and a Renaissance humanist. In this story from The Decameron, a man loses everything for his love of a beautiful and wealthy woman in an ironic twist of fate.

As we read, we will be discussing the theme of Prejudice & Discrimination as it relates to the text. We are trying to answer this big question :

"How does prejudice emerge?"

Ways to support your child:

  • Ask your child about this short story at home:
    • What was "Federigo's Falcon" about?
    • What did you learn about Prejudice & Discrimination?
  • Watch How much money is love worth? at home with your child.