by Elizabeth Blair 2016

Welcome to the parent guide for this text! Read below to find out about what your child is reading in class and how you can support him/her at home.

This week in class, we’re reading "The Real 'Hacksaw Ridge' Soldier Saved 75 Souls Without Ever Carrying A Gun" by Elizabeth Blair.

In "The Real 'Hacksaw Ridge' Soldier Saved 75 Souls Without Ever Carrying A Gun," Elizabeth Blair discusses how Desmond Doss saved his fellow soldiers and why he refused to carry a weapon.

As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Honor & Courage and War & Peace as they relate to the text. We are trying to answer these big questions :

"How are we changed by war?" and "What makes a hero?"

Ways to support your child:

  • Ask your child about this interview at home:
    • What was "The Real 'Hacksaw Ridge' Soldier Saved 75 Souls Without Ever Carrying A Gun" about?
    • What did you learn about Honor & Courage?
    • What did you learn about War & Peace?
  • Watch Desmond Doss, Medal of Honor, WWII at home with your child.