por Rachel Martin (Host) 2013

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "For Many Returning Vets, 'Moral Injury' Just As Difficult" por Rachel Martin (Host).

For a veteran returning home from Afghanistan or Iraq, the mental trauma of having killed someone can be just as devastating as physical injury. The Department of Veteran Affairs has called this problem "moral injury," but some veterans think this phrase minimizes the horror of killing. In 2013, Timothy Kudo, a former Marine captain, wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post about grappling with moral injury. In this text, he shares his experience with NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday host Rachel Martin

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo el tema de War & Peace como se relaciona con el texto. Estamos intentando responder esta gran pregunta :

"How are we changed by war?"

Formas de apoyar a su hijo/a:

  • Pregúntele a su hijo sobre este texto en casa:
    • ¿De qué trataba "For Many Returning Vets, 'Moral Injury' Just As Difficult"?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre War & Peace?