por Unknown 1973

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "Joseph's Dreams from Genesis 37" por Unknown.

Genesis 37 is an Old-Testament passage that contains the story of Joseph and his dreams. Joseph is an important figure in the Hebrew tradition. In this passage he is the favorite of his father Jacob, and dreams that he was chosen by God to rule over many people, including his brothers. His brothers sell him into slavery and he ends up in Egypt. 

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo el tema de Revenge & Betrayal como se relaciona con el texto. Estamos intentando responder esta gran pregunta :

"What drives a person to betray?"

Formas de apoyar a su hijo/a:

  • Pregúntele a su hijo sobre este texto en casa:
    • ¿De qué trataba "Joseph's Dreams from Genesis 37"?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre Revenge & Betrayal?
  • Vea The Book of Genesis Overview, Part 1 of 2 at en su hogar con su hijo/a.