CommonLit Archive CommonLit's Curriculum Newsletter: October 3, 2019

Welcome back! This newsletter is the best way for teachers piloting CommonLit’s new curriculum to stay in the loop on recently released units, updates about new features on the digital platform, tips for getting the most out of CommonLit’s curriculum.

Unit Assessments

Are you nearing the end of your unit? If so, be sure to assign your students the unit assessments. These unit assessments provide clear and valuable data on how your students mastered the skills taught in the unit. To learn all about these unit assessments and how to assign them, click here.

Key Updates

NEW UNITS: CommonLit has recently released three new units for middle school. These units include a mix of literary and informational texts. Throughout these units, students focus on analyzing how the author develops the themes of the story. Access the units on by by clicking the links below:

6th Grade: “Failure & Success” is a unit that helps kids learn that failure isn’t a reason to give up. Instead, learning from failure can help lead you to great success. Students will read a mix of fiction and non-fiction stories about people who learned from their failures in order to succeed later on.

7th Grade: “Adolescence” is a unit with relatable and funny stories about popularity, first loves, and teen angst. The unit kicks off with an engaging Partner Exploration.

8th Grade: “Courageous Choices” is a unit with inspiring and diverse stories about people who stand up for what’s right — even at great personal risk.

WHEN WILL NEW UNITS BE READY?: Starting in early November, CommonLit will begin releasing research units for grades 6–10! Middle school students will study topics like concussions in football, the benefits and drawbacks of social media, and the beauty and complexity of the world’s oceans. High school students will learn about the power of branding and the impact of the Industrial Revolution.

END OF UNIT SURVEY: Have you finished teaching your first unit yet? If so, we’d love to hear from you! As soon as you fill out this survey we’ll send along a $5.00 Amazon gift card as a small token of our appreciation!

Best Practices

CommonLit’s curriculum includes four types of questions — “Think & Share,” “Turn & Talk,” “Find Evidence,” and “Write.” Each of these questions has a unique purpose. Check out this blog post to read tips for facilitating these different question types.

Each unit in CommonLit’s curriculum includes at least 1 set of vocabulary activities. To learn how to use these activities and when to introduce them in class, check out this blog post.

CommonLit Support

GET IN TOUCH: At CommonLit, we’re committed to ensuring that you have a successful experience with our new full-year curriculum. If you have any questions about the curriculum, please email Our team is on standby to help.

ACCESS LIVE CHAT SUPPORT: If you have specific questions about how to access our resources on, click on the chat button at the bottom of the page. You’ll be connected to our team right away for live support.