Unlock the rostering, Professional Development, and data tracking tools your district needs to roll out CommonLit’s full program
You might already be familiar with CommonLit.org, a digital literacy program that includes over 2,000 English/Spanish reading lessons for grades 3–12. CommonLit’s program has become a go-to resource for English, Science, and Social Studies teachers who are looking for high-quality poems, short stories, and informational texts to drive student achievement.
Teachers have come to love our digital literacy program’s read-aloud tool, translation functionality (which includes over 30 languages!), and scaffolded reading comprehension questions. These features provide teachers with more opportunities to differentiate instruction and support all learners in the classroom.
For schools and districts looking to turbocharge their usage of CommonLit’s free program, we’re offering two paid packages for SY 21–22: CommonLit School Essentials and CommonLit School Essentials PRO. In this blog post, we’ll be highlighting the benefits of CommonLit School Essentials PRO.
At $2,500 per school, CommonLit School Essentials PRO is an affordable way to bring CommonLit’s full suite of services to your school or district. It includes:
CommonLit Assessment Series
With CommonLit’s Assessment Series, teachers in grades 3–12 gain access to 3 specialized benchmark assessments. The first assessment will allow teachers to collect diagnostic reading data at the start of the year. Later in the year, teachers will be able to administer two additional assessments and measure student growth from the beginning to the end of the school year. When schools and districts purchase CommonLit School Essentials PRO, teachers and administrators are able track student performance on CommonLit’s benchmark assessments.
Formative Data Tracking for Administrators
With access to CommonLit’s school and district-wide data reports, administrators are able to closely monitor student usage and achievement on CommonLit.
Each reading passage in the CommonLit library includes approximately 5–8 standards-aligned text-dependent questions. With this program, administrators are able to view school-wide student performance on any CommonLit lesson or benchmark assessment they complete. With access to CommonLit’s formative data tracking tools, teachers and administrators can closely monitor trends, set goals for students, and adjust instruction to better meet the needs of all learners.
Customized Onboarding Experience
With Clever (or Google Classroom), roster management is made easy. We will work with your team to choose the best rostering solution for your teachers and students. Students can quickly log in to CommonLit via Single Sign-On and teachers can focus on instruction (instead of resetting student passwords).
During the school year, your team will also have access to a dedicated account manager from CommonLit’s District Success team and teachers will receive an answer to all technical questions within one business day.
CommonLit Professional Development Portal
This on-demand training library includes over 20 trainings that focus on best practices for using CommonLit’s digital program. These self-paced training modules include helpful tips for navigating CommonLit.org, real-life classroom examples, and application tasks. Each training is designed to be flexible and easy to use, and can be facilitated by an instructional leader or completed independently by teachers.
Live Virtual Kick-Off Training
With CommonLit’s personalized live and recorded trainings, our team will work closely with yours to ensure that all teachers know how to effectively choose lessons from CommonLit’s digital library, navigate and leverage CommonLit’s lesson planning tools, create digital lessons, and use CommonLit’s digital data displays to effectively choose future lessons.
Next Steps
To request a quote for CommonLit School Essentials PRO please fill out this quick form.
If you have any additional questions about CommonLit School Essentials PRO email partnerships@commonlit.org. We’re eager to support your team!