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Use ESSER funding to bring CommonLit to your school

Plan your rollout with an expert

CommonLit works for students

Our highly rated, research-backed program is driving reading growth in hundreds of schools.

A recent study found students who used CommonLit scored higher on end-of-year state tests than students who did not use CommonLit.

Accelerate learning by 2x at your school with our high quality, engaging ELA resources. 

All of our premium packages are covered by Federal education funding.
Relief fund School Essentials
$2.5K per school
School Essentials PRO
$3.85K per school
School Essentials PRO Plus
$6.5K per school
Title I Included Included Included
Title II Included Included Included
Title III Included Included Included
ESSER II Expires Sept 30, 2023 Included Included Included
ESSER III Expires Sept 30, 2024 Included Included Included

Use federal education funding to get the best plan for your team.

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CommonLit Library & CommonLit 360


for teachers, forever

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School Essentials


School Essentials PRO

See why millions of teachers love CommonLit

Teachers saw a 10% increase in students who were on track for mastery and credited the new CommonLit units with helping them get those gains.
Terri Bradshaw Literacy Instructional Coach
My student's reading scores on standardized tests have improved. I believe a big reason we saw that growth was because I used CommonLit last year.
Kimberly Martinez 6th Grade Teacher
CommonLit has made a tremendously positive impact on my teaching practice. I’m very proud to teach CommonLit!
Jennifer Lane ELA Teacher

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