por Jordan Hyatt and Synøve Nygaard Andersen 2022

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover — and shows how the US penal system could become more humane" por Jordan Hyatt and Synøve Nygaard Andersen.

In "A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover – and shows how the US penal system could become more humane," researchers are exploring whether reforms modeled after the Scandinavian prison system could lead to positive outcomes for both prisoners and correctional officers.

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo los temas de Justice, Freedom & Equality y Social Change & Revolution como se relacionan con el texto. Estamos intentando responder estas grandes preguntas :

"How do people create change?" y "What is fair?"

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