por Sharon Oosthoek 2014

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "Biometrics: New IDs that are uniquely you" por Sharon Oosthoek.

Police and law enforcement have historically used fingerprints to identify suspects and prosecute criminals. But now, using new technology and the science of biometrics, scientists have developed a different, and potentially more advanced, way of identifying people. This article explores the science behind biometrics and its potential for law enforcement and beyond.

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo el tema de Technology, Progress & Industry como se relaciona con el texto. Estamos intentando responder esta gran pregunta :

"What are the costs and benefits of technology?"

Formas de apoyar a su hijo/a:

  • Pregúntele a su hijo sobre este texto en casa:
    • ¿De qué trataba "Biometrics: New IDs that are uniquely you"?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre Technology, Progress & Industry?
  • Vea Killing the Need for Passwords With Biometrics at en su hogar con su hijo/a.