por Ronald Reagan 1964

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "Excerpt from "A Time for Choosing" Speech" por Ronald Reagan.

"A Time for Choosing," also known simply as "The Speech," was presented by Hollywood actor and motivational speaker Ronald Reagan during the 1964 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater. It is considered the event that launched Reagan's political career. In this famous speech, Reagan argues for "the maximum of individual freedom."

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo los temas de America, Justice, Freedom & Equality y War & Peace como se relacionan con el texto. Estamos intentando responder estas grandes preguntas :

"What makes America unique?", "Which is more important: freedom or security?" y "How can we achieve peace?"

Formas de apoyar a su hijo/a:

  • Pregúntele a su hijo sobre este texto en casa:
    • ¿De qué trataba "Excerpt from "A Time for Choosing" Speech"?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre America?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre Justice, Freedom & Equality?
    • ¿Qué has aprendido sobre War & Peace?
  • Vea Reagan - A Time for Choosing at en su hogar con su hijo/a.