por Ruben Brosbe 2023

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Esta semana en clase, estamos leyendo "Is Military Service the Path to the American Dream?" por Ruben Brosbe.

In "Is Military Service the Path to the American Dream?," Ruben Brosbe discusses military service as a road to the "American dream" and raises important questions about where the other pathways are — and are not — for young Americans today.

Conforme leamos, estaremos discutiendo los temas de America, Fate & Free Will, Fear & Paranoia, Honor & Courage y War & Peace como se relacionan con el texto. Estamos intentando responder estas grandes preguntas :

"How has America changed over time?", "Can we control our fate?", "How can fear be used to manipulate?", "What does it mean to be brave?" y "How are we changed by war?"

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